Blizzard appears to have leaked three more spooky Overwatch Halloween skins

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Three more skins for Overwatch's 'Halloween Terror' occasion, which dispatches on Tuesday, seem to have released early through adverts on Facebook. Snow squall uncovered two skins (McCree and Reaper) prior this week in a promo for the occasion, yet the advertisements additionally demonstrate an alarming lick of paint for Mei, Zenyatta, and Symmetra.

We have Mei the vampire at the highest point of this article, in addition to the next two underneath. My most loved is a Cthulhu-style Zenyatta, however, Symmetra shrouded in scales looks striking as well.

Blizzard appears to have leaked three more spooky Overwatch Halloween skins Blizzard appears to have leaked three more spooky Overwatch Halloween skins Reviewed by Ahmed Rana on October 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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